The BBE Training E-Learning portal is a web-based learning platform that we have invested in to give our learners the best possible experience. It is a fantastic tool allowing learners to simply follow assignments and work through their coursework.
Learners can complete and upload or download and complete offline before uploading to their login area. All work is marked and assessed from within the learning platform with functions allowing tutors and learners to automatically make notifications to each other when a process has been completed such as an assignment has been uploaded ready for marking or when it has been marked. It stores all communication centrally and is the system that allows learners to be able to work on any device by downloading the App.
Our system operates a customised branded Moodle system and you can find the app here: Simply purchase your course then download to your device and login into your course, using your BBE login details that you will be provided with.
Some of the materials used in Moodle are written using Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel etc). You may need to download these resources to view them or use a word-processing tool such as Word for assessments. It is strongly recommended that you have a current version Microsoft Office installed on your machine.